Witness Young Life camping in action


Young Life invites you to consider joining us as our guest at RockRidge Canyon.

Set aside a few days to enjoy a refreshing and inspiring stay in beautiful Wolfe Creek Lodge to discover more about Young Life.

Lounge at Wolfe Creek Lodge
During your stay you’ll observe our unique style of ministry in action – what teens experience during their week at camp. Fun programming, top quality food, zany YL clubs, and the Gospel message presented in language kids understand. Most importantly, you will witness the culmination of a year long investment by YL leaders in the lives of kids from their local communities.
There’s lots of free time in store, plus daily Adult Teas where you will interact with the staff who make this YL property function. You’ll discover the purposeful plan of Young Life camps and programming. And yes, you’ll also be invited to volunteer at select times so you can be part of the Young Life fun!

Adult guests are welcome to come on their own or as a couple to share the experience.  

Summer Staff at Camp, RockRidge Canyon

Experience the Zip Line, swimming, water sports, a lake tour, latte or a quiet bowl of ice cream.


Craig & Kathy Bissett, Oakville, ON

There is no better way to appreciate the effectiveness, the excellence and the power of Young Life apart from spending time at the camp when kids are there. After experiencing RockRidge, we are amazed at the impact that Young Life has on young people and are convinced that God is truly changing lives through this ministry.


Ken and Laurel Meers

Great interactions with campers, leader, staff and other Adult Guests. Felt like a part of it all!


Adult Guest couple

Everybody here wants the campers to have the best experience of their life. You hear that being said and they mean it.”     

To express interest in being an Adult Guest
at RockRidge Canyon please apply today. 

Your local Young Life staff person will let you know
which week they are coming to camp.

SUMMER  2025

July 8-13 Wyldlife Camp 1 (JR High)

July 14-19 Wyldlife Camp 2 (JR High)

July 28-Aug 3 Young Life Camp 1 (SR High)

August 4-10 Young Life Camp 2 (SR High)

August 11-17 Young Life Camp 3 (SR High)