

YouBelong is for RockRidge Canyon Alumni – Everyone who has worked or volunteered at RockRidge Canyon.

It’s been 20 years since RockRidge Canyon opened. For many, RockRidge Canyon has been a special place where faith has grown, memories were made and lasting friendships established – all while working and volunteering.


  • To stay connected, share stories and make time to spend time together.
  • Support the mission at RockRidge Canyon using our talents, gifts, and passion.
  • Volunteer
  • Be Champions
  • Bring Groups
  • Help with projects


Basically, you, if you’ve worked or volunteered in any capacity with Young Life at camp or in your local area sending teens to camp. YouBelong includes RockRidge Canyon Property Staff, Summer Assignment Teams, Interns, Summer Staff and Work Crew who volunteered for a season or term, plus adult volunteers who have served at camp midweek and weekend rental groups, as well as all those serving their local Regions of Young Life as committee, leaders, and supporters.  You all have a heart for what God is doing in the lives of teens at RockRidge Canyon.


We’re trying to find everyone. So many folks have worked and volunteered at RockRidge Canyon over the years. Some have changed their last names, hairstyles, and plenty have changed their email addresses. Finding everyone is a community effort but it starts with you.

The YouBelong connect card helps us find and connect fellow RockRidge Canyon alumni over time. Please take a couple minutes to fill it out, whether you can make it to IGNITE Gathering – 20th anniversary or not.

1. Complete the YouBelong Connect Card.

2. Share it with your RockRidge Canyon contacts.

Got Questions?

Call Linda at (250) 870-9030



  • Come and serve in our rental season, especially midweek if you are not working full time 
  • We have a Friends of RockRidge  newsletter that has  various opportunities and dates to volunteer 
  • If you are a YL leader, come and bring your YL kids to serve on a weekend during our rental season – they will raise money for camp and it helps us serve groups that don’t bring work crew. 
  • Come for our Spring Planting time and plant flowers or build cool stuff
  • Come and volunteer for our Men’s or Women’s outreach weekends

Be A Champion 

We would love for you to be champions of RockRidge and Young Life in your circles of influence

  • Share about opportunities at RRC with friends, church and school groups – a place for them to come and plan a retreat, family reunion, wedding,  
  • Come and bring unsaved friends to our Men’s, Women’s or Family camp and share what YL is all about.  Check our website for dates and info
  • Share about careers at RockRidge – we have a Careers page on our website and you might know someone who would be a great fit for property staff.
  •  If you know college age students we would love you to encourage them to serve on Summer Staff or in one of our Intern programs – we have winter, summer or fall intern opportunities
  • We would also love to give you the tools to be a champion and we have a table of different brochures in the lobby.  Please take them with you and pass them on to a friend, church or organization that might enjoy RockRidge Canyon

Bring Groups

Bring your church or business or family reunion up to RRC for a retreat.  We are working hard to fill our occupancy between November and April so we have some discounted prices and have lots of great info here on our website. Each group helps us support the summer ministry here at RockRidge Canyon.

Recommend RockRidge Canyon

You’re proud of this place – show it off and recommend it to your friends and family. When you do tag us too!

Stay connected




You can plant seeds into God’s kingdom and the work of Young Life by helping support RockRidge Canyon. there are a variety of ways – whether it is a rusty old van or a million dollar gift – everyone can contribute in different ways.

Operations Budget

We have a $250K donation line in our budget where we need regular monthly donors to support the work that we do here, including subsidizing the actual cost of campers to be here. We would love to have some pre authorized monthly donations to the RockRidge Canyon operations budget that would be regular consistent giving.

Wish List and Small Projects

We have a variety of projects that are not in our operating budget but help elevate staff or guest’s experience here on site.

Some of them are not that sexy, like an automated folding machine for Wolfe Creek Lodge, or a beach cleaner, but for many of you that have spent time in housekeeping or outdoor crew picking up goose poop off the beach, you know that some of these things can make a huge difference for the staff here.

Large Projects

Imagine the feeling of knowing your YouBelong group funded a low ropes course or a lounge room in the new Work Crew building. You and a group of friends may want to get together and pool your resources or you may know people who have the potential to give large donations to our Larger Projects or Estate Planning. Either way, let us know. Jon Harris and his Development team would be happy to talk with you.

Intern Refreshment

Many of you have been Interns and know what it was like to be able to do some fun things in the summer, like river rafting or to get off the property for a few hours… We have an Intern Program fund that helps us lower the cost of activities for our interns that serve here. 

Good Used Stuff

You might have some good used equipment that might be sitting in your garage that might be helpful – things like fitness equipment or an iPad that you don’t use anymore. All of that is helpful. Regardless of what capacity you have, we would love your support if you are led to donate in any way to the operation of RockRidge Canyon.  


This is something that everyone can do and we need your prayers! Keep us in your prayer journals and print out the prayer calendar that we make up for the summer. Put it on your fridge and keep us in your prayers. God has been doing amazing things through camp and the people who work here and support it in prayer! Also, pray for other camps in British Columbia and across the Young Life network. 


Lastly, we want you to be engaged and part of this community and camp family. Share your story about the work here with others you may still be in contact with from Work Crew or Summer Staff, and encourage them to get involved and be a part of this community. 

We absolutely love having you come and visit and be part of the different weekends here and want to build this community to the hundreds and thousands of people that have come and served here at RockRidge Canyon.