It’s Time to Gather Together
to Fan the Flames of Faith, 
Treasure what God has done and Ignite Passion with Next Gen Leaders

Friends, this weekend is for you – if you’ve served at camp as Volunteer, Intern, Summer Staff, Work Crew, been on YL or RockRidge Canyon staff, if you are a supporter, a spouse or a friend of the ministry. Blessings will overflow as we treat you to a weekend to remember!

We want to honour and glorify God together

Sharing our faith through remembering the God stories of how RockRidge Canyon came to be and all the relationships we have built over the past 20 years ignites the faith of those we serve and galvanizes our common experience. Join us and see what happens!

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, …”

1 Timothy 2:1-15

Weekend At A Glance

Schedule Highlights

Friday evening and Saturday morning arrival & checkin options.

Nov 8 – Friday evening (no dinner). Arrive between 6-8 pm – Light snacks in the loft.
Evening mixer and welcome message with Tim

Nov 9 – Saturday check-in from 10 am to Noon.
+ Morning will be chill and optional activities will be available through the day.
+ Saturday night, there will be Club with Tim MacIntosh igniting faith through Biblical narrative.

Nov 10 – Sunday
+ Morning  Service. Worship with Beckah Shae, Message by Pastor Tim
+ Afternoon Beckah Shea Concert in the ROCK!  We will be inviting the community and hope to bring the Kingdom of God into their lives! 

Nov 11 –  Monday – Remembrance Day – A day to reflect on the freedom we enjoy
+ Sleep in or rise early and travel, your choice.

+ We invite you to stations set up for each of the 5 year eras. Watch for signage as you are invited to come and remember, praise, mingle, create, craft and pray.
+ Each day, depending on the weather, there will be activities available including outdoor scenic walks, mountain biking, pickleball, and maybe a friendly competition of ball hockey. It’s November – could we have a snow adventure?  Who knows?!

Gather with friends who have served or love camp!

Reconnect. Eat camp food and snacks. Enjoy the property. Just hang out. And yah, there will be group activities, games, fun, an awesome speaker, concert and club.

Do as much or as little as you like. And this time you don’t have to work or worry about the details. 

“And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.” – 2 Timothy 2:2

Pricing & Registration

Special YL Pricing for this event – We want to bless you!

Weekend Rates for two or three nights, all inclusive.

Rate includes accommodations, meals, plus speaker and concert.

Wolfe Creek Lodge | Ashnola Leadership Lodge | Dorm Lodges

Private rooms will be reserved for families with children under 5 years of age, seniors, couples, and early registrants. Larger families will be assigned a dorm room to themselves. Two families choosing to share a dorm will be discounted $50/family. All singles will be housed in gender specific lodging with lower bunks only for your comfort. Let us know who you would prefer to room with. Register early to select your preference.

$199 pp Adult/Parent 19+
$159 pp Teen 13-18 years
$129 pp Youth (7-12) includes kid’s program.
$99 pp Child (3-6) includes some childcare
$0 Infants (0-2) includes some childcare

Welcoming Work Crew with cookies!


We will be providing opportunities for Young Life Campaigners and Leaders to be part of the team serving and building scholarship funds for next summer’s camp season.

We are also inviting adults to participate in kitchen, program, and retail roles.

It should be fun!

Email Shonah at or give our office a call at (250) 870-9030.

Get Connected

We’ll help you connect with friends and relive the 5 eras of RockRidge Canyon

YL/RRCYEARS Spearhead Leaders YL/RRC Journey Symbols Activity
Hal Merwald
Mike Sheridan
Casting Vision Tent Pegs Building projects.
1200 at Grand Opening & National Conference
Hal Merwald
Peter Van Genne
Establishing Direction Pinnacle/Main Camp Opens Lake raising. Ministry growing.
Don Crompton
Peter Van Genne
Kingdom Building Wolfe Creek Lodge opens YL 2010 x 2010. Welcoming families. 
Mike O’Leary
Paul Bailey
Setting down roots The ROCK & Jimmy’s Club Room A Permanent Tabernacle
David Thakkar
Carolyn Mortensen
Navigating Culture Camp refresh, Ashnola opens! Time in the desert, strengthening our faith. Wildfires nearby, facility shutdowns, renovations and refreshing, Princeton flood/Highways closed. Supporting the community. Renewal. Building and welcoming.
Next 5
David Thakkar
Carolyn Mortensen
Leadership Development Buildings Built Sustainability. More YL camps. Staff and Intern Discipleship. Anticipating the Lord’s return or YL’s 75th Anniversary and RockRidge Canyon’s 25th!

Frequently Answered Questions

I can't come but would love to share some memories and photos!

First, we’ll miss you!

While we know not everyone can be here in person it would be great to chat with you. Please give Linda a call at (250) 295-0015 or email us at

Please continue to pray for the mission at RockRidge Canyon. We covet your prayers and support!

Send us your photos to

What about Cell and WIFI?
CELL – Rockridge Canyon has been given a new cell phone tower which should improve connection!  Yet the property is set in a mountain valley so cell phone coverage can be spotty. Guests find it’s handy to set up Wi-Fi Calling on your cell for phone calls.

For your convenience there are courtesy phones on site, which are free for long distance calls in North America. During your stay, anyone wishing to leave a message for you can call the RockRidge property office at 1 (250) 870-9030 and the message will be delivered at the earliest convenience.

WIFI – RockRidge Canyon has public Wi-Fi around the dining hall, in Wolfe Creek and Ashnola Lodges and in The Rock should you wish to bring your portable computer to stay in touch.

WIFI is set up for light capacity, such as checking emails, posting awesome selfies of your stay at RockRidge Canyon (@rockridgecanyon), vs streaming movies.

Plan for an (almost) unplugged weekend. There’s lots to do on site. Bring your favourite games and crafts. Books are great too!

Are there any age, size and weight restrictions for any activities?

Although the property can be enjoyed by any age, RockRidge Canyon was built for teenagers and therefore most activities are more suitable for school-aged children and older.  November can have snow, so be prepared for that!

Zip Line – Guests must be 48 in tall and 60 pounds minimum. We want to be sure they fit the harness perfectly and have the weight to make it to the bottom! By the way, a maximum weight of 275 pounds is allowed. One person per harness and zip line.
Note: This is an all weather activity, but wind and deep cold are a factor in the safe operation of the zip line and so it will be weather dependant.

Games Room – All weather option!  Pool, ping pong, foosball, air hockey, games and puzzles will be set out in the Copper room next door!

If the snow is held off:

Mountain Bikes – Mountain bikes fit ages of about 12 to adult. Bike helmets are mandatory for all ages while on site. You may bring your own bikes if you wish, but keep in mind the paths are not paved. The dedicated mountain bike trails are challenging.

Sports Courts – Basketball, ball hockey, pickleball, walking and hiking outdoors

Is Electric Car charging available?
Electric charging is available in Princeton but not on site.

Please be sure to charge your vehicle prior to arriving.

Here’s a handy reference for local charging stations in Princeton:


Do we need to bring extra money for activities?

Sure – While most activities are included in the weekend price, it’s great to have cash or cards on hand for extras, like specialty coffees from the coffee shop or for gift items in The Ridge Trading Co.

Summer Staff at Camp, RockRidge Canyon